I am a Submillimeter Array (SMA) Postdoctoral Fellow at the Center for Astrophysics Harvard-Smithsonian. I graduated from my PhD in 2022 (Institute of Astronomy, University of Cambridge) where I investigated the formation and evolution of exoplanetesimal belts. In my Fellowship, I am advancing work on observational aspects of planetesimal disc formation and evolution, primarily working at millimetre/submillimetre wavelengths.

My research forms two main tranches; i) studying the evolution of young discs and disc populations to understand how planetesimal belts form (with a special interest in `class III' young stellar objects), and ii) investigations of debris disc morphologies to understand how planetesimal belts evolve (with a special interest in eccentric discs). Here, you can read more about my work, publications, and contact me if you want to chat. Below I have included links to various highlights of my research over the course of my career.


Aug 2022
ALMA and HST imaging of the post-main sequence debris disc around Kappa CrB, a sub-giant, hosting multiple massive companions. Credit: Lovell J. B. et al, 2022

Full research article available here

November 2020
The ALMA survey of Lupus class III stars: early planetesimal belt formation, and rapid disc dispersal. Credit: Lovell J. B. et al. 2021a

Full research article available here